Heat and Noise Insulation, Fire Resistance…
Thermal insulation should cover all facades of the structure as well as floor and roof insulation. The heat transmitted from the floor and roof is of great importance in heat loss and gains. With LECAT and LECATBLOCK, it is possible to keep the temperature in confined spaces by consuming less energy and to make an excellent thermal insulation. It reduces heating and cooling costs in structures. It does not deteriorate and wear off in structure, it offers a permanent solution in thermal insulation. Due to its structural properties, it prevents the formation of insects and mold. In reference to its thermal insulation capacity, humidity and mold on the walls are prevented, and the standard of living in furniture and indoors is maintained. Numerous pores and homogeneous distributions on the macro and micro scale in LECAT grains provide excellent thermal insulation while allowing structures to breathe. It is an excellent non-flammable insulation material. LECAT can be laid as a fire prevention layer and does not apply an extra load to the structure due to its lightness.
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